The Journey

Sci-Facts Of Organic Farming – Small Steps, Big Changes


Indian agriculture is reshaping itself. It is not just infusing sustainable methods of farming, but also introducing new concepts and technologies in agriculture. Combining the best of the past with the latest in practice. Orgi-Tech The agricultural technology (agri-tech) is bringing in new solutions to growing food in sustainable ways. Transforming Indian agricultural landscape forever.

Organic Farming completely relies on non-invasive cultivation methodologies. It is driven by the objectives of improving quality of soil, practicing tested crop rotation cycles, ensuring weed and pest control through optimizing non-synthetic chemicals and compounds found in their natural states and implementing optimal water usage and irrigation practices.

Making India Self-reliant
Organic farmers feel that we need to build our capability to design and develop more modern techniques on our own. Be at the cutting edge of orgi-tech.

New ideas and processes coming out of Indian labs are helping Indian organic farmers improve soil quality, increase the productivity of small farms, streamline and document better product discovery and processes, implement efficient supply chain systems, and deliver 100% organic food to the end consumer.
Here are some of my favorites making headlines:

Less Is More: Farmbot

This is an amazing combination of robotics, farm management, and real-time computing. Farmbot, It is a Cartesian coordinate robot farming machine, brings, software and documentation, including a farming data repository, together.

What it does is it optimizes yields from a given piece of land. All that the farmer need do is add details about topsoil conditions along with other physical properties. Farmbot then designs and plots a farm layout for sowing the right seeds at the right distance, and at the right time.

Greatly solving the productivity issues of the small and marginalized farmers. It started as an open-source project, inspired at an Orgi-Tech class that was attended by one of the founders.

Set the Cattle Free: BovControl

Free ranching is a boon to the farmer. BovControl lets the farmer allow his cattle to graze freely. It controls the herd by tracking individual bovs. It also records and tracks inventory, vaccinations, nutrition needs, and other aspects necessary to rear cattle in the best way possible.

Local Food, local farming: BrightFarms

Instead of using foreign lands, that may not be optimally compatible for a crop yield, BrightFarms has opted to use local farming to grow local crops for best results. They recognized the demand for hyper-local produce, and are building and operating greenhouses in urban and suburban areas. They also connect with major urban distributors, solving the marketing problem to a large extent.

Farm in your backyard: PindFresh

This is an Indian startup that realized the dearth of hygienic, and nutritious food in India. They use natural and organic farming methods to turn small plots and soil sections into farms. They offer solutions to grow a little farm garden on the rooftop or into vertical shelves in a high-rise. Pindfresh brings in techniques like hydroponics, and soilless farming into urban homes to make urban farming possible.

Some other technologies emerging as drones, information systems, agri-equipment aggregators, business intelligence tools also add to the transformation of the agricultural landscape. When organic farming advocates leverage technologies that keep farming sustainable, then we can see easy scalability of organic farming. And, today, to me, scalability is the gap between being aware and sustainable.


Raj Seelam

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